Monday, October 28, 2013

OS X Maverick operating system for MAC has many bugs and flaws

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OS X Maverick operating system for MAC has many bugs and flaws

Apple released their software operating system for their MAC computers to compete with the recent upgrade of Windows to 8.1. But unlike Windows operating systems, Apple doesn’t give you much choice and they force you to download it and install it. If you don’t, they harass you with upgrade notices and bulletins about how your system won’t work right.
So, like an idiot, I downloaded and then installed it. “Maverick?” Who comes up with these names? Techies who don’t get enough fresh air or have issues with their mommy obviously. And disciples of 1984 Practitioner the late Steve Jobs, who continue to implement his oppressive style of “I know better than the rest of you idiots. Just give me your money and shut the F up!” He may not have said it that way precisely, but that is exactly how Steve Jobs thought.
I am almost ashamed to acknowledge that Steve Jobs is American Arab like me — adopted from natural birth parents who included a Syrian father.
The OS X Maverick has jammed my Mac Book Pro so badly I am now forced to consider taking a trip to the Apple Store to get them to fix the mess it has created. Many of my software programs no longer load automatically and the ones that do load take forever. The software programs I purchased, not all made by Apple but were made for the Apple and MAC systems worked great under the old operating system. What was it called the “Lion.” Seriously, these names suggest some Freudian deficiency in the Penis Department.
Dream Weaver for MAC, DOA. Photoshop Elements 11, DOA. Microsoft Word, which is far better of a writing system than anything MAC or Apple ever produced, DOA. Tweet Deck, DOA. All the programs I rely on and more, all dying or dead.
So I have to go back to the drawing board and revert the installation and go back in time, and risk losing everything I have created over the past three days, or forge ahead and wait for each of the software programs to provide bug fixes and updates, which some have promised will be coming. Right! I write a LOT. I manage so many web sites and media and public relations the last thing I need is a system that is designed to drag you down Steve Job’s molasses filled rabbit hole.
When has a computer techie EVER told the truth? (When he told his mommy that his computer job is the easiest skate job he has ever had and he doesn’t have to really work hard to make money because the lemmings in the public will simply take whatever schlock they throw at them.
Beware. OS X Maverick is a flawed operating system. It has serious issues. Not everyone is as wealthy, or sinister, as Steve Jobs so the choice of repurchasing software to replace the software that Apple may be trying to intentionally undermine — it’s a Steve Jobs control issue of hereditary proportions. Buying new software is not an option.
Oh, that’s right, one software program updated itself to work with OS X Maverick. Final Cut Pro. That only took an hour of my time.
Seriously, before you just jump over the cliff to the Pied Piper’s tune, and drop into the abyss with the rest of Apple Lemmings, stop and think. Is everything new that they throw at us really worth it? Or, is it designed to simply force us to just spend more money, which has always been Steve Job’s mantra, the middle finger version of the Kirtan Kriya.
Okay. I’m just showing off, sorry. That’s what happens when I get mad, to distract from the frustration that is the true value of Apple and my beautiful looking but hassle-filled designed Mac Book Pro.
Oh, and lest I forget. The new system has screwed up my email (i’m getting duplicates of everything and the tech “gurus” said I have to make some system adjustments. And, it has stolen all my iBooks from iTunes and put them on my MAC. What does that all mean? I don’t know but it bothers me when they just do things WITHOUT ASKING — the Steve Jobs legacy. Puke!
(Ray Hanania is an award winning columnist. His columns are published by Creators Syndicate and appear every Sunday in the Saudi Gazette Newspaper.

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