Monday, January 24, 2011

I removed software from my laptop -- and it runs faster

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I wrote recently about the trials and tribulations I was having with that highly publicized software by Supposedly they promised to speed up your computer. They invited you to have your competer checked by their software for free -- and many people, I bet, thought that the free analysis would result in a faster computer.

It doesn't.

Here is what I wrote about my poor experience with this company. Click here to read the story.

The software cost me a total of $44. It included a second software I did not order but that was billed to me anyway. When I complained -- and DID NOT download the software -- the company promised to reimburse me the $14. They never did.

Here's the company's response to my column. Click here to read the response.

The scan they ran claimed I had 90 registry errors. Wow. My virus software told me that. Still, once it told me about the errors, and then said I had to buy the software to fix the problem, I decided to test the software.

It doesn't work. It really stinks.

The first thing it does is take care of itself. It inserts it in your startup file so that the software automatically runs in your memory when you start up your computer. That slows the system down, of course.

Even when I removed it from my startup file, it kept reinserting itself.

I ran the software several times and first cleared up the errors the "free" run claimed were slowing my system down.

Sure enough the registry problems RETURNED. More than 80 registry errors within two days. I ran it again. Presumably cleaned up the errors. And sure enough, they returned.

So what exactly does the software do?

It didn't speed my computer up.

Don't buy it. In my opinion, it doesn't work.


  1. It also isnt letting my system uninstall it

  2. thank you so much. this really helped... only problem is, i already paid for the this virus... hope i can block the charges on time. anyway, thanks again.

    Suggestion How same Virus will infect my system & what will i do when this happen??
